Category: News & Events

AROUND GÖDEL’S THEOREMS – Rafał Gruszczyński

Lecture Series AROUND GÖDEL’S THEOREMS Rafał Gruszczyński Nicolaus Copernicus University, Department of Logic – Toruń, Poland The popular formulation of the first Gödel’s theorem says that there are true mathematical sentences that cannot be proved. Three questions immediately arise: what does `true’ mean?, what does ‘mathematical’ mean and, last but not least, what does it […]

Mente &/v Lógica

Série de 5 Sessões dirigida por Luís M. Augusto (MLAG IF FLUP / FCT)   1. Cognição 2. Racionalidade 3. Representação do conhecimento 4. Inconsciente 5. Distúrbio mental 01 e 15 de fevereiro; 01, 15 e 29 de março, 2013. Das 17h30 às 19h. FLUP, Sala 311. Informações suplementares em […]

Computabilidade e Computacionalismo: Da matemática às teorias da mente. (Em torno de A. Turing no centenário do seu nascimento.)

2012 – ALAN TURING YEAR Em torno do legado de Alan Turing no centenário do seu nascimento, Luís M. Augusto (mlag . IF . FLUP / FCT)  dirige uma série de quatro sessões dedicadas à temática.   Computabilidade e Computacionalismo: Da matemática às teorias da mente. Sessão 1. Computabilidade: As máquinas de Turing Sessão 2. […]

Contextualism in Philosophy of Language – Ana Falcato (IFL/UNL)

Projecto The Bounds of Judgement – Frege, cognitive agents and human thinkers (PTDC/FIL-FIL/109882/2009) Task 5 Articulation and Agency The Context-Principle in Frege, Wittgenstein and in Semantic Contextualism Ana Falcato (IFL – 7-12-2012 Seminar series organized by Susana Cadilha, Sofia Miguens and João Alberto Pinto, including a course on contextualism in philosophy of language by […]

Theories of Judgment and Cognitive Attitudes

Projecto The Bounds of Judgement – Frege, cognitive agents and human thinkers (PTDC/FIL-FIL/109882/2009) Theories of Judgment and Cognitive Attitudes Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Facultad de Filosofia – Universidad de Santiago de Compostela November 8-9, 2012 PROGRAMME DAY 1 November 8th 10-10.40h Charles Travis, Who knows what lurks in the minds of men? Frege versus Fodor […]

C -MLAG VI – Encounters With Oneself

  Projecto The Bounds of Judgement – Frege, cognitive agents and human thinkers (PTDC/FIL-FIL/109882/2009)   ENCOUNTERS_cartaz       What shape can our access to the inner take? Can inner experience ever be an object of judgement? Or should we rather think of inner experience in terms of qualia? What, if anything, is wrong with […]

Themes from Charles Travis: Language, Perception and the Early Analytic Legacy

Location: University of East Anglia Date: 29 Jun 2012 – 1 Jul 2012 The aim of this conference is to explore the consequences of Charles Travis’s position for the possibility of systematic theoretical investigation into human psychology and linguistic understanding. In particular, our intention is to open up a forum for debate and discussion of […]

Logic and the Parochial – Bordeaux

Symposium international “Logic and the Parochial / Logique et esprit de clocher” – autour de Charles Travis, Objectivity and the Parochial (Oxford UP, 2011) Institut Universitaire de France / Université Bordeaux 3 / Université de Porto Bordeaux, 2nd-3rd april 2012 Speakers: Valérie Aucouturier J. Floyd Quentin Kammer Sofia Miguens Jean-Philippe Narboux Peter Sullivan Charles Travis T. […]

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