Minimal Self-Consciousness Emotions and Perceptual Experience Institute of Philosophy – Porto in collaboration with Swiss Interdisciplinary Discussion Group ‘Self-Consciousness & Kinds of Self’ – Institute of Philosophy – Basel VENUE – Círculo Universitário – Rua do Campo Alegre, 877- Porto Both classic phenomenologists and contemporary cognitive scientists have argued that right from the outset […]
Libertarian Free Will and the Scientific Worldview Joana Rigato CFCUL 8thJuly| 15h30| Departamento de Filosofia Abstract: In the last few decades, several authors (e.g. Kane, Ekstrom) have defended libertarian theses (according to which free will requires alternative possibilities of action) against accusations of scientific implausibility. In order to do so, they endorsed physicalistic and reductionistic […]
Professora Véronique Munoz-Dardé (UCL, Londres | UC Berkeley) ‘Intimate Markets’ Discussant: Prof. João Cardos Rosas (Universidade do Minho) 25th June | 11h00 | Sala do Departamento Filosofia Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Organization: Mind, Language & Action Group – Instituto de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP) and Grupo […]
Professor Michael Martin (UCL, Londres | UC Berkeley) ‘Piercing the Veil of Appearances’ 25th June | 15h30 | Sala do Departamento Filosofia Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Further information: please contact Prof. Mattia Riccardi (MLAG | IF | FLUP): […]
Workshop “Ordinary language and contextualism” (Org. Sofia Miguens and Bruno Ambroise*) 19 th-21st may 2014 Sala de Reuniões | FLUP In philosophy of language contextualism is most often an inspiration to technical work on the implications of pragmatic phenomena for the semantic structure of a language, or its representation in a theory. The […]
Frege, Father of Disjunctivism Charles Travis 27th February 2014 – Departamento de Filosofia This series of seminars will consider two central issues in current philosophy of perception. One fits under the rubric disjunctivism; the other under the rubric representationalism. Both of these are issues which are often poorly understood. Hence in each case there are […]
PORTO – TÜBINGEN WORKSHOP Rationality, self-knowledge and human agency – Challenges from cognitive science, philosophical perspectives 6-7 December 2013 Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Scientific Organizers: Sofia Miguens (IF, Porto) Julia Peters (Philosophisches Seminar, Tübingen) Mattia Riccardi (IF, Porto) Hong Yu Wong (CIN, Tübingen) Local Organizers: Mattia Riccardi (IF, Porto) Susana […]