D. Macarthur: On the timelessness of Art
On the timelessness of Art
David Macarthur
Department of Philosophy
University of Sydney – Australia
October 21 | 15h | Sala de Reuniões
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Art critics and philosophers have long spoken of the test of time with respect to artworks. Plausibly, this requires that an artwork be capable of attracting new audiences by being found valuable and significant in ever new ways. Masterpieces provide examples of art that we find timelessly interesting but, plausibly, even lesser works aspire to this status. Call this the timelessness of art. Then the question I aim to explore in this paper is how the timelessness of art is compatible with the plausible view that an artwork means what its creator meant it to mean.
David Macarthur is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Sidney.
Research Group Mind Language and Action Group (MLAG)
MLAG Seminars 2014-2015 (Sofia Miguens, João Santos e Luís Veríssimo)